Teacher Licensing Information

At Rockwell we employ teachers with Professional, Associate, and LEA-Specific Educator Licenses as permitted by the Utah State Board of Education.

Professional Educator License

Individuals who follow the traditional route of licensure by attending an educator preparation program (through a university or other licensing jurisdiction) and receiving a bachelor’s degree or higher, are issued a Professional Educator License through the USBE. Professional Educator Licenses are valid for five years.

Associate Educator License

Individuals who have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who are enrolled in an educator preparation program that will result in a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who have a skill certification in a specific CTE area as established by the USBE, may be issued an Associate Educator License upon satisfaction of USBE requirements. An Associate Educator License is valid for two years with a possible one-year extension.

LEA-Specific Educator License

An individual who does not meet the criteria for a Professional or Associate Educator License but meets the criteria set forth in the Rockwell Charter School LEA-Specific Licensing policy may be issued an LEA-Specific Educator License, license area, or endorsement. An LEA-Specific license, license area, or endorsement is valid only within the Rockwell Charter High School LEA. An LEA-Specific License is valid for one, two, or three years based on the LEA approval. A license renewal requires USBE approval.