Career and Technical Education


Career and Technical Education programs seek to provide all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.

Rockwell CTE Program

As a school, we are driven by the objective of ensuring all students have access to as many career opportunities as they desire. For this reason, we are constantly expanding our CTE program. 

We currently have courses being offered in the following clusters: Business, Foods and Nutrition, Early Childhood Education, Web Development, and Computer Programming. In the future, we will implement courses in Data Science and Cybersecurity, among other areas.

Clusters and Courses

The CTE program in the state of Utah is structured in career clusters, which are equivalent to a bigger umbrella of areas. There are 13 career clusters, listed here: (links will take you to the Utah State Board of Education page for each cluster)

Within each career cluster, there are multiple Career Pathways, corresponding to areas of concentration in a given cluster. Below is a list of courses we offer at Rockwell, per career pathway:

We are required by the state CTE program to include the following documents in our webpage: